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Fabulous Reasons to Have Fun with Your Feline Friend 

September 1 2024

Is your cat super playful? Chances, the answer to that question is a big yes! One of the many reasons Fluffy is such a delightful companion is her playful mischief. Setting aside time to have fun with your furry friend is one of the greatest gifts you can give her! A local vet from Newmarket, ON shares a few reasons for this in the article below.

What’s The Big Deal About Playing With Your Cat?

Playing is great for Fluffy for all sorts of reasons! For one thing, it keeps her on her adorable little toes! It also offers a fun way to keep her mind engaged and entertained. Both of these are super important for your furry friend’s health and happiness! Cats can get grumpy and down in the dumps if they’re feeling bored. That might also lead to a few unpleasant behavior problems. Sometimes, it can result in physical problems as well, like overgrooming or not eating enough.

Another reason playing is important is that it lets your kitty unleash her inner lioness! Cats are little hunters at heart. Out in the wild, they’d rely on their hunting skills to survive. Instinctually, Fluffy has this adorable drive to really hone her pouncing, scratching, and biting skills to a fine art! Play allows her to embrace those wild urges in a safe, enjoyable way.

Playing is also a fantastic way to connect with your kitty! When you take the time to wave that wand toy or shine that laser pointer, she’ll recognize that you’re putting in some extra effort just for her. That’s sure to earn you some happy meows and get that motor running!

And let’s not forget, playtime can really boost the confidence of those shy little furballs. Mastering that tricky run/jump/roll/pounce/meow/tail lash combo can really give a reserved kitty a confidence boost!

Does Playing With Your Cat Make Them Happy?

Absolutely! Besides all the things we’ve already talked about, playing is simply a blast for Fluffy. It offers a delightful mix of fun and growth, which are essential ingredients for keeping her spirits high and her well-being in check. This will also make your feline friend feel all the love, That’s super important!

Those play sessions could be a great little boost for you as well! Spending time with Fluffy can help you chill out and keep those worries at bay. It’ll also bring a smile to your face, which is fantastic for your own mental and emotional well-being.

What Makes Cats So Funny?

Having a blast with your furry friend can be just as enjoyable for you as it is for her. It’s tough to hold back a chuckle at some of Fluffy’s goofy shenanigans. Kitties are just the cutest, but they really take the cake when they’re in full-on play mode—it’s a riot!

Fluffy plays a dual role in the wild, being both a hunter and a target. This creates a quirky blend of boldness and caution. Your cat might be a fearless warrior against that pesky moth in the living room yet could take off in a flash if you accidentally clatter a pot while whipping up dinner.

How Frequently Should I Play With My Cat?

We recommend setting aside some time to have fun with Fluffy every day. This can be quick and easy. Even just a few minutes a day can really do wonders! One simple trick to incorporate this is to stash a few cat toys near your go-to chair or cozy sofa nook. Just snag them while you’re kicking back and enjoying your favorite show.

What Are The No-Gos When Playing With My Cat?

Having fun with your furry friend isn’t too complicated, but there are a few things you might want to avoid.

When playing with a laser pointer, remember to keep it away from your kitty’s eyes. That might mess with her eyesight.

Stay away from things that could be dangerous. That covers all sorts of little or pointy things, twisty or stringy items, and plastic bags and ties. Grab some real cat toys instead.

When you’re finished with your wand or string toy, remember to tuck it away for next time. Your furry friend might find herself in a bit of a pickle if she decides to give it a go while you’re away.

And if you’ve got a bunch of four-legged friends, remember to spread the love and avoid picking favorites. Those little furballs can be super jealous of each other!

When’s The Best Time To Play With My Cat?

There really aren’t any strict guidelines for this one. Whenever you’re at home and your furry friend is up and about, it’s a purrfect time! If Fluffy is feeling extra playful at night, it might be a good idea to try and tire her out before bed. That way she’ll be more likely to curl up next to you for the night, rather than swatting her toys down the hallway or playfully pouncing on your ankles while you’re trying to catch some Z’s.

What’s Up With My Cat Going All Ninja On Me?

Have you ever wondered about the many quirky things that cats do? Sometimes they express their love with a playful nibble or a gentle scratch. They definitely don’t hold back when it comes to using us as their personal cat toys for honing those lion-like skills! This can be adorable, but it might also spark some not-so-great antics.

Recognizing the line between playful jabs and genuine frustration is key. If Fluffy is just having some fun, she might give a gentle nibble. She might pause her playful antics to give you a little lick or just behave in a goofy way. Feisty felines might let out a hiss or a growl, and they definitely won’t be shy about it. Just a heads up: cats can totally change things up whenever they feel like it, often with no notice or reason at all.

If your four-legged friend is getting a bit too frisky, firmly say ‘No’ or ‘Be nice’ right away. Then, take a step back and let her be. This should do the trick! If she keeps getting into trouble or is still acting aggressive, ask your vet in Newmarket, ON for some helpful tips.

When’s The Right Time To Wrap Up Playtime With My Cat?

This is entirely up to you and your kitty! Once Fluffy feels she’s done with the fun, she’ll simply stroll off and call it a day. That’s just one of the fun little things that set cats and dogs apart. Fido will go all out to make his humans happy. As for Fluffy? She won’t hesitate to change gears and completely lose interest at the drop of a hat.

There’s just one little thing to keep in mind: if your kitty decides to pounce on you, it’s definitely time to hit pause on the fun, as it could lead to some tricky situations later on. Try to keep your voice down or she may become nervous around you. Give your spirited pet a little reminder to ‘Play nice’ and then take a step back to calm down.

What Types of Toys Do Cats Enjoy?

It really depends on your little furball. Some enjoy the thrill of pursuing that sneaky little red dot from the laser pointer. Others like batting tiny toys around. And then there are others that are more than happy to play with a bottle cap or ice cube. Experiment with various options to learn what Fluffy enjoys the most. If you’ve got more than one cat, mix things up a bit: your furry family members might each have their own unique preferences. 

Schedule A Visit With Your Newmarket, ON Vet

Got any questions or concerns about your kitty’s health or care? Give us a shout at your Newmarket, ON animal clinic today! We’d love to lend a hand!