Happy Holidays! The next few weeks are going to be very busy—and very fun—for a lot of people. It’s great to spend some quality time with friends and family! Of course, Fido is also part of the family! In this article from Armitage Animal Hospital, a Newmarket, ON vet offers tips on keeping your pup happy, healthy, and safe during the holidays.
Beware of Hazards
Keep Fido in mind as you are decorating. Ribbons, tinsel, electric lights, and garlands can all choke playful pups, and can cause serious internal injuries if ingested. Also, many seasonal plants, such as poinsettia, mistletoe, holly, and ivy, are toxic to pets. Place these things in spots your pooch can’t reach.
Offer Safe Foods
Food and treats are a big part of many holiday traditions. Fido will definitely enjoy a special snack! Be sure to only offer him things that are safe for dogs. Never give your dog anything that contains garlic, onions, scallions, or chives; avocados; fruits with seeds or pits; grapes, currants, or raisins; meat on the bone; raw meat, dough, or yeast; chocolate; caffeine; alcohol; or anything containing xylitol.
Fill Fido’s Stocking
Treats and toys make great gifts for Man’s Best Friend. Fido may also appreciate a new doggy bed. You can also get your canine companion some grooming supplies; a new leash or collar; a pet fountain; clothes; paw balm; or even a doghouse. If you really want to pamper your pooch, get him a subscription box, so he can get boxes of goodies in the mail every month.
Reduce Stress
This time of year can be hard on Fido. Strangers, travel, being boarded, and changes in the environment can all be stressful on dogs. Loud noises—like fireworks—are another concern. Pay lots of attention to your pet, and spend quality time with him every day. Also, make sure he’s getting enough exercise. This will help him burn off any excess energy. On New Year’s Eve, we recommend keeping pets safe and sound indoors. Put Fido in a quiet room with comfy bedding and puzzle toys, and turn a radio or TV on to mask the sound of fireworks.
All of us here at Armitage Animal Hospital, your local Newmarket, ON vet clinic want to wish you and your families a wonderful holiday season. Please contact us anytime!