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Armitage Animal Clinic

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Fluffy’s Cutest Holiday Traditions

November 15 2019

The holiday season is coming up quick! You may find yourself with quite a bit on your agenda over the coming weeks. There’s always a lot of decorating, planning, shopping, and cooking to do at this time of year. As it turns out, your feline friend may also have some plans of her own. In this article from Armitage Animal Hospital, a Newmarket, ON vet discusses Fluffy’s holiday agenda.


Cats like to pay close attention to their humans. Fluffy will monitor you as you are decorating, cooking, and cleaning. She may also try to assist with certain tasks, such as changing sheets and wrapping gifts.

Fur Distribution

Kitties take their fur-distributing duties very seriously. Fluffy will thoughtfully schedule her naps so that she can cover as wide an area as possible. (Tip: use a squeegee or damp sponge to get cat fur off furniture.)

Tree Shenanigans

Our feline buddies just can’t resist decorated trees, and who can blame them? After all, Fluffy uses trees for shelter, survival, and nail care in the wild. To increase the chances of your tree actually staying upright, you may want to secure the top part to the wall with fishing line. We also recommend decorating the bottom part of the tree sparingly, and only with unbreakable objects. Keep the vast majority of the ornaments, tinsel, and lights on the top half.

Enjoy Empty Boxes

Fluffy’s box obsession is one of her cutest quirks. Give your furry friend a few empty boxes or gift bags to play in once everyone has opened their gifts.

Play With New Toys

Cats certainly deserve a special present! Fill Fluffy’s stocking with toys and treats, and then snap some photos of her enjoying her gifts. Your feline pal may also enjoy a comfy new bed, or perhaps a piece of kitty furniture.

Savor A Treat

Those mouthwatering seasonal dishes are a big part of many traditional festivities. Offer your furball something yummy. Canned tuna in water is fine, but Fluffy can also have some plain, cooked meat, fish, or chicken, without the skin, bones, or fat.

Collect Cuddles

No holiday tradition is complete without a purring cat. Pay your kitty extra attention, and let her snuggle up on your lap for some cuddles!

Happy Holidays from all of us here at Armitage Animal Hospital, your local Newmarket, ON vet clinic. Please contact us anytime.